On season 5 of Rick and Morty, I worked alongside the layout team where it was my job to create animated cycles for layout elements, alongside preparing approved layouts for inputting into Harmony. For example, I handled doors, windows, and various other elements by providing start frames, end frames, and anything in between. Below are examples of elements I would handle for the series.
Layout Animations provided by Mike / Animation provided by Bardel Entertainment.
This is just a selection of scenes to showcase some of the animatable elements that were created in Season 5, with plenty more designed and set up. Some other tasks included providing various line thicknesses for panning elements, and extending canvas artwork where needed.
Occasionally, I would be asked to design new layouts based on key designs and other completed layouts in the sequence. The dedicated layout team would usually handle layouts like this however I would help out during production if an extra artist was needed.
I would also help out in other departments, where I would provide character expression sheets, complete character turnarounds, and do some prop design. Below are some examples of the work I created. 
Finally, I would handle the importing of approved layout files into Harmony, and would do a final check on each approved layout before uploading flattened assets into the corresponding scene files. Other responsibilities included layer name adjustments and checking over scene files for correct layering of layout files. 
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